How has the program impacted you?
In their own words...
At the close of the 2015 Mat-Su Triple Impact Leadership Program, sponsored by the Mat-Su Health Foundation, we surveyed the participants (non-profits CEOs, Executive Directors, Board Presidents and executive staff) and asked them to share the impact the program had on them.
This is what they wrote:
This is what they wrote:
- I have really appreciated the increased confidence I have in approaching the wide variety of situations I come across as a leader. The tools have added to my ability to solve challenges, improve team rapport, strive for the win/win, and ensure that we are making decisions based on sound and current data.
- TIL has had a tremendous impact on me so it is difficult to sum it up. In short, it changed the lens in which I viewed the world. The disciplines became my new lens. The two most meaningful impacts this far are 1) by using the disciplines, I was able to step back from my situation and realize that the tremendous growth we've experienced over the past four years is positive, it has also happened at a rate that if not slowed could very easily result in failure. Further, I recognized that I was the only one who could slow the growth down. Finally, the disciplines gave me the tools to appropriately implement a "slowdown" and to implement systems in order to prepare for the next wave of growth.
- I have become empowered and more confident, I have become more aware of how to work better as a team utilizing the support systems I have in place.
- Systems Mapping has given me insight to the organization changes needed within our organization. Which directly improves my personal level of stress.
- Learning to examine the belief underlying thoughts and feelings before making a rushed decision. Stopping to collect sound and current data to ascertain the truth of an assumption... I feel more confident and empowered as an individual. I feel more like I know what to do and what steps to take to achieve what's needed in a situation.
- I left my old job and generally began to view my life through a lens that took me into an empowered state rather than being a victim. I am a happier person and I feel motivated and ready to take on all challenges. My self-worth has increased a huge amount, and my effectiveness as a leader.
- I am trying to work from a place of curiosity to collect sound and current data before jumping to conclusions or making a decision.
- Contracting has been very helpful in learning to be clear and upfront about needs and wants. I feel I have been able to set realistic agreements between myself and others... Clear agreements come with a sense of safeness and confidence that each party knows exactly what's expected of them. Almost a type of relief and freedom within that understood contract.
- These techniques have helped me get through sticky situations and my organization is all the more healthy and strong.
- I have been able to formulate relationships with other community leaders and professionals in a more deliberate way. Through this, I have helped support people who are doing amazing work in their communities. In my new role, I am finding the power within those around me and myself so that we might make the most out of everything we have. I am already helping my own organization create better processes and find new avenues for funding.
- The weekly department head meetings have turned into work sessions that I've been able to introduce some of the concepts to be utilized within the organization.